NEWS: @IggyAzalea Denies She Has A Sex Tape Or Does She??? #IggySexTape
Iggy Azalea has reportedly been offered a seven-figure sum for an alleged sex tape, however, the main issue is the fact that Iggy says it's not her in the tape.
Vivid Entertainment boss Steven Hirsch, whom you may or may not recall was the man behind putting out the infamous Kim Kardashian and Ray J sex tape, tells TMZ that he has seen part of the alleged Iggy footage. He claims it shows what appears to be Iggy Azalea with an ex-boyfriend, and he says it could make even more money than Kim's did.
Hirsch already reached out to Iggy about the tape, offering her a seven-figure deal, however, Iggy's camp is adamant that it's not her in the footage and they are prepared to sue Hirsch if necessary.
Iggy was involved in a similar scandal earlier this year. A photo of naked woman who closely resembled Iggy surfaced on the net, accompanied by a black male-- it was assumed to be Iggy and her boyfriend Nick Young, although it was not actually the couple.
In the matter of a day or two, Iggy Azalea went from saying the alleged sex tape is non-existent to saying that it does exist, but she was likely under 18-years old when it was shot.
According to TMZ, the Australian rapper's legal team now says that it might actually be Iggy in the sex tape, and if it is, the tape is being shopped around (specifically to Vivid Entertainment) by an ex-boyfriend. Or, in her lawyer's terms, a "spurned business suitor." The legal team goes on to say that the footage may have been shot "without her knowledge or consent", as well, she could have been a minor when it was shot-- which would bring other legal troubles for Vivid. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

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